Wednesday, 8 May 2013

"Growing up & Growing out of all"

When was the last time         “You picked a racket?”
                                                “Or played Frisbee?”
                                                “Said a ‘hi’ to the kid next door?”
                                                “Lied to save a friend who broke a glass window with a ‘six’?
                                                “Picked up a comic?”     
                                                “Gifted a ‘Happy Teacher’s day’ hallmark card to your favourite teacher?”
                                                 “Or made one for your Grandmother on her Birthday, that said, 
                                                  Live Long Life"
                                                “Had the most amazing party with friends, WITHOUT the booze?”
                                                “Distributed candies to complete strangers on a special occasion?”
                                                “Drew your favourite cartoon on a piece of paper?”
                                                “Pestered Ma, for a bedtime story?”
                                                “Fight like crazy with the sibling, yet forget about it next morning,
    pick up another at the Breakfast table, for? Maggi Noodles?”

 The last time that “you worked hard for a good result, not to belittle the
opponent,  but just for your own self?”
“Tied a friendship band to someone, without consideration to one's background
“Spent an evening in the park, running around with friends and didn’t get
“Brought home, an injured squirrel?”
“Organised a surprise birthday party, for your father?”
“Didn’t think twice before calling a long lost friend on a Christmas?”
“Hung stockings over the rope in the courtyard, believing that the Santa will fill it with goodies and goodness?”
“And confessed every little sin to the ones you loved?”

The last time that “you gave away your tiffin to feed a hungry dog?”

And the last time, “that you focussed 100% on WHAT you’re doing, than the expected outcome, or the reason why you’re doing it,

or did something completely Random?”

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, but reading this piece today has made terribly melancholic. So many things, that we have forgotten/so many priorities changed. So many relatable instances!

    Seems, this evening will end with alcohol. This write-up is indeed tripping :)
