Wednesday 17 October 2012

"The Feather under the Hat" #29

17 October 2012

The gravest and the deepest of your sorrows is the one that will always be very personal. It's impossible to confide it in anyone, because it makes one so low and upset that words won't come out. It only shows in actions, reactions, moods, facial expression and affects the physical, mental and emotional energy. It's important to acknowledge the cause of distress before it starts influencing happy people around, and work on it. Being left alone may answer part of the problem, but to start with, one must start believing in the balance of life. There is no way one can realize the goodness without paying for it in tears. 

This may lessen the feeling of misery and recharge you once again to get on happily with the rest of the journey!

P.S. - For people on the other side, it's important to learn the significance of empathy, and the privacy that one needs especially in relation with their personal sorrows. No one likes to tolerate tantrums, but once you start thinking from the other person's perspective, the whole thing becomes easy on both sides and cools off before you even make an effort!

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